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Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Review

Relatively recently, the adventure tape was released on large screens «Prince of Persia: Sands of Time«, Taken based on the game of the same name. We will refrain from judging the quality of the film adaptation – we will only take into account that the picture did not go unnoticed. And just a couple of weeks ago, the continuation of the “sands …” interactive – was the continuation of the staff and the console – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. And everything would be wonderful, but these two events are located suspiciously close in the calendar. The ugly feeling does not leave that the Virtual Korolevich wanted to join the glory of the film Dastan, although the developers in the opposite assure. So whether the smell of an unofficial crafts by the film will disappear as you pass? Or only intensify?Voodoo Wins Casino

One thousand second night

Recall that The Forgotten Sands The experimental Prince of Persia (2008) has nothing to do – «Forgotten Sands» Pay the story bridge between The Sands of Time and Warrior Within. It was just curious to many fans to find out why the main character in the «Sands of Time» is so strikingly different from himself in the «Crack with Fate». A lot of questions have accumulated: when the prince decided to shy, who, hell, taught the guy to swear obscenities?! So they explain to us – it was, they say, the king’s brother named Malik ..

… and once attacked his kingdom unfriendly neighbors. Our ward bravely helped a relative to defeat the enemy, but he was too powerful. Then Malik released a mysterious army from the other world, the purpose of which is to protect the fortress. Typically, nothing good of such vents comes out, and this case was no exception-countless crowds of skeletons and other mythical scarecrow climbed out of the ground. And this company clearly did not want to defend the castle ..

The tie, in a word, intriguing, and in general, the story is quite in the spirit of the series. Nevertheless, the script is an order of magnitude worse than in previous projects. Any plot moves-the cat cried, and those that are are woven from Hollywood cliches. Plus, for the majority of the puzzles related to the life of the prince, we never received any interesting answers. Fears that the authors will not be able to fit beautifully and organically «Forgotten Sands» in the original trilogy, justified. Of course, the fairy tale told to us in The Sands of Time, Warrior Within and The Two Thrones is self -sufficient – there is almost nothing to add to it without violating its integrity. However, on an impressive white spot between TSOT and WW, perhaps there would be a place for a fascinating fourth chapter. Alas, there was no miracle. IN Ubisoft Montreal created a set of stamps, which manages only to shamelessly exploit the best nostalgic memories of past parts.

Return to the roots?

As for the gameplay, then its basis in The Forgotten Sands quite classic for «sands …». The mechanics are divided into two approximately equal halves – battles and acrobatics.

Episodes, including the prince’s gymnastic sketches, did not undergo significant changes – except perhaps a little more dynamic for the sake of a modern audience. Suppose, there was a need to carefully balance on narrow beams – now the prince fearlessly runs along them, not afraid to fall off. In addition, it is quickly and easily allowed to jump from the column to the column: the character no longer needs to be turned around the pillar “manually” – by pressing the pair of buttons, he will jump in a given direction.

True, a complex architecture of levels fell by a victim of an accelerated pace. The regression is extremely offensive, for the definition of the route in TSOT has always been a kind of task, rather difficult and entertaining. We fell into a luxurious garden or a huge tower, watched the camera fly over a bizarre pile of crossbars and protrusions, and thought: “My God, what to do with you?!»And when the decision was, it gave a separate, incomparable pleasure. Now the locations are much more primitive – the path is visible from afar, ingenuity is not in demand. We believe, you should not even mention that there is no question of non -linearity. Then what do they want to hit us? In the era infamous And Assassin’s Creed!

On the innovations and imitation of Kratos

Maybe boring obstacles will somehow revive fresh ideas? IN The Forgotten Sands After meeting with a wise girl-jinn, the main character receives extraordinary abilities. First, he learns to unwind the time back, as in the good old ones;a little later – freeze water;Further – with the help of a super -jumping to move to the enemies or hefty birds (it makes sense to perceive only as part of the interior – they are needed in order to jump along them, as if by crossings);Well, closer to the final – thanks to the special witchcraft, «repair» destroyed items.

But in the variety of acrobatics does not add even with the advent of magic. Puzzle with the use of miracles-no, amateur performances-not allowed. A jet of liquid pours from the ceiling? Press the button responsible for the water spell, and climb the frozen pillar upstairs. A transparent outline flickers in the place of a broken platform? Activate the appropriate skill to restore the site. At the edge of the cliff, the enemy squad kneads the bones? Press on the next key to teleport to enemies and overcome the abyss. At the beginning of the passage we use six buttons, at the end – nine. That’s the whole difference.

With the cut on the swords is even sadder. The creators threw the old combat system into the trash and built another, similar to the one that we saw in God of War. This was mainly affected by the number of hostile creatures – for one waving session, dozens of opponents have to kill with a piece of iron. The scale of the battles, however, is absolutely not felt – a fire in an anthill and it seems more epic.

In general, too selective in Ubisoft Copyed God of War. Crowds of evil spirits riveted, but they did not bother with the combinations-they were not at all. A weak and powerful hit on the left button “hung” the mouse (the force depends on how much time to keep the key pressed), on the middle one is a kick of a slender leg of the hero. All. There are also combat spells that allow you to call vortex or light a fiery train behind the character’s back, but you don’t even want to use them – freaks and so perfectly crumble.

Many different types of enemies are attached to the “rich” arsenal of techniques – ordinary skeletons, skeletons with shields, skeletons are more late, skeletons are more late with shields … And everyone needs their own approach … Yes, of course, not needed – tactics exactly two. Shield -bearer must first be beaten with a foot, and then chop it with a saber. All others, whether it is two -meter “bosses” or frail dead, we are forced to simply “jam” until they die From longing.

In general, the next adventures of the prince were stupid. You look at The Forgotten Sands – And it becomes sad. As if he met an old friend, from whom only a familiar face was left, and now he is now a vegetable vegetable. And they would be approved «Forgotten Sands» Another misunderstanding of the film – we would have received a click on the forehead from us and went cheerfully splashing in the waters. But Prince of Persia – one of the most famous series with a rich history, and TFS… shame of this series, what is it there. It was worse only Prince of Persia 3D. Here’s the fairy tale end.

Pros: It seems to be possible to play – there are no bugs, does not slow down, does not fly out.
Cons: Faceless plot;The unique atmosphere of previous parts has evaporated;Acrobatics is morally outdated and also degraded;fights – the standard of «jamming».

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

The best comments

I don’t know how you are and I like the most Pop ww there and the plot is cool and the game is interesting in itself. In the same, no sense does not agree with " You excuse me, with the assessment is disagreeable, it is cool that it is strongly said with a slope, the garbage is complete, you can’t imagine worse. As a fan of the series, I have all the units in the license, well, except for PP 2008, because it has nothing to do with the series, and I pulled to buy a full edition, gave the bloody 830 rubles, I did not like disappointments for a long time, how much I did not like the two thrones, the game is a linear one and the gameplay, the last 2 minutes of the game took place only dueThe ending of the Bionic Commander 2009, there, too, everything in the sky ended with the jump from the object to the object, although in the PP it turned out to be so the best of the game for the whole game. In general, it is in all of all parts, from the beginning of the sand, the atmasfer is designed in the game, they took the face from the sand of the time, they took the suit and the hairstyle from the fight with fate, the nicknames were taken from two thrones, the design of the buttons from the doors was taken from PP 2008. After all, they took all the best and wrapped it in this best such a large plot and gemple cachash. Acranbathy was not at all unstable, nor the throwing of the weapon into the enemy or the rebels and the somersault from the walls, nor unscrewing the heads, nor throwing the enemy through himself, the stupid slasher made.In general, the game of garbage in a beautiful packaging and a famous name, never buy it for anything, I have already lost money on this, almost a piece is in the wind.
Egor29031989" And it would be better if the developers of the game were engaged in a normal business and not such as the last game of the prince. And just notice the people. The first part " Sands of time" It was released in 2003, a fight with fate in 2004 and became the best game for her “For”. Two thrones in 2005 came out also nothing game. And together one good plot of the game. Prince of Persia 2008 I think this is that you will not find such worse and on the phone is better than this. And I can’t understand the forgotten sands at all what they have been doing for so many years " 3 years" that they couldn’t make a good game. Those games starting with the “sand sands” and ending the “two thrones” did everything within a year and went out good I liked it and I can even play with great pleasure. And with this one to be 3 years old and do this with this approach if such games are released, then you can safely throw a computer and take as before the “deha” “sega” and so on. or put an old system to play normal games because there was little of them. Previously, the games were much better. Well, let’s not make a guess for the future, let’s see what will happen. But my opinion is. Sorry if something is wrong.

Yes the game is so -so, go through and forget. Although I remember the inconsistent after the release of the TT “Foam to the Soul fought” that they would not blame the PP to the series and the TT The final part … they deceived the bastards ((I agree with the assessment.

I bought a gold edition. It is a pity that Warrior Within did not go and thank God The Forgotten Sands did not go.
P.S. I’m for Prince of Persia 2008

Game for five -kika run -in a vase of Besh, they kicked out a pyatlashka to put a five -grade prince a fight with fate, he will fall asleep with complexity !

To: [b] nurglman [/b] of all that they had, in principle, one could make a gorgeous film! But the curve installation, the completely uninteresting game of Jillenhae, the absence of the main from the feature of the Glovushki series (!) and a bunch of everything. makes from the film about the prince of Persia just an ordinary, boring movie = (

I disagree with the assessment. So we start first. The game came out very beautiful, the combat system, although primitive, and it’s not so difficult to ruin everyone, but! This is interesting when the hordes of enemies go to you. A very useful thing, and the speed of the prince on beams and other nonsense gives speakers, the same with traps. Then the architecture is very good, it was interesting to run around the eastern castle. Of course this is not a brutal prince who loved to tear his heads and let the rivers of blood, this is a fabulous prince as he should be. And the atmosphere of the fairy tale is designed here. And skills are pumped only those you want, with which you are more convenient for you in battle, for example, stone and air to me. And acrobatics has become much better. Bottom line: I put the game commendable

Yes, the prince of Peria was undoubtedly the standard, because it was done normally. And this was done by three or four people!! All normal programmers in Ubisoft are now working on AC Brotherhouse.

The most terrible prince: (More precisely, not to the prince*and in general, the anniversary is something lately current and do that the legendary games are great.then Fisher is now a prince. And what will happen next?:)

I will play the Extra with the coach and then only to find out who the hell taught the guy will swear a guy obscenities?!

I don’t know what kind of blizzard you are going there, the game turned out to be darkened, I went through it just like everyone else, in one breath. Of course I was waiting for another continuation and not the narrative that was between the 1st and 2nd, I was waiting for the continuation of the one that came out in 2008 (drawn), but I hope that they will do it after all. And at the expense of this part, you are wrong.

To: [b] devouter [/b] I agree [img] http: // [/IMG] Warrior Within The best prince from the whole series. By the way, yes, I agree, the best part in the series. ))))))

Low welcoming bow to all fans W.W. and +5 for epaulets) to: [b] Cyberring [/b] buddy, you are not a fan of the old good p.O.P., Therefore, they do not agree with the assessment, the reason why the people give "garbage" And "Passage" Not so much in the compassion of the game as in disappointment for the series) [i] [b] all hail ww!) [/b] [/i]

Buddy, you are not a fan of old good p.O.P. – this is the first 3 parts, and what was before these 3 parts.

If you are talking about those 3 parts until 2008, then I passed them 5 times, in one breath, if honestly I didn’t play the prince of Persia to the sand, but when my friend all the same gave this game, and I went through the first part, then I began to wait for the series, I went through with great pleasure, the third was already not with the same, 2008 I was surprised in the drawn style, as it was pronounced in the drawn style, as it was pronounced.And that the prince could run on the ceiling, but in 2010 I liked to control magic on the one hand, but there were also disadvantages in it, for example, I was very annoyed by water, almost at the very end, so to speak the biggest minus of this part of the prince of Persia, and so I would give her 7 points out of 10, well, not like you 3 out of 10 10.

[b] fs [/b] Full failure. Did not even download when he saw a preview. Fans [b] ww [/b], I just want to say: you are, of course right, the game is damn interesting and dynamic, and even the plot is so wrapped that I needed 2 passes to understand everything, but! The atmosphere of the fairy tale has gone and the game turned into a brutal slasher. In [b] tsot [/b] everything was so magical-rorned, Kakulukia is the same. But having lost the author, the series lost her fairy tale. Not to the end, but still. In [b] ttt [/b] this was somehow returned, not to mention the prince of 2008. And call [b] ww [/b], and the rest is a kind of passage ([b] ttt [/b] and [b] 2008 [/b]) simply contradicts the main ideas laid down by Jordan Mehner in the distant 80s. H.S. Fs – sucks, but the film, if you force yourself to forget that it is connected with the game, good. I liked it))